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2016Magnetic and transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7 - La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 heterostructuresMustafa, Luqman
2009Magnetic anisotropy of molecular nanomagnetsHallak, Fadi el
2022Magnetic bands producing a monoclinic magnetic structure in NiO, FeO, MnO, and a tetragonal one in CoOKrüger, Ekkehard
2021Magnetic domains and domain wall pinning in atomically thin CrBr3 revealed by nanoscale imagingSun, Qi-Chao; Song, Tiancheng; Anderson, Eric; Brunner, Andreas; Förster, Johannes; Shalomayeva, Tetyana; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Gräfe, Joachim; Stöhr, Rainer; Xu, Xiaodong; Wrachtrup, Jörg
2023Magnetic microrobot collectives as a model system for self-organisationGardi, Gaurav
2023A magnetic millirobot walks on slippery biological surfaces for targeted cargo deliveryJeong, Moonkwang; Tan, Xiangzhou; Fischer, Felix; Qiu, Tian
2022Magnetic Moment Tensor Potentials for collinear spin-polarized materials reproduce different magnetic states of bcc FeNovikov, Ivan; Grabowski, Blazej; Körmann, Fritz; Shapeev, Alexander
2023Magnetic putty as a reconfigurable, recyclable, and accessible soft robotic materialLi, Meng; Pal, Aniket; Byun, Junghwan; Gardi, Gaurav; Sitti, Metin
2021Magnetic resonance imaging of water content and flow processes in natural soils by pulse sequences with ultrashort detectionHaber-Pohlmeier, Sabina; Caterina, David; Blümich, Bernhard; Pohlmeier, Andreas
2016Magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the determination of magnetic anisotropyMarx, Raphael
2009Magnetic resonant reflectometry on exchange bias systemsBrück, Sebastian
2021Magnetic structure of CoOKrüger, Ekkehard
1986Magnetic susceptibility of &#945; and &#946; phases of di[bis(ethylenediothiolo)tetrathiafulvalene] tri-iodide [(BEDT-TTF)2I3] under pressureRothaemel, Bernd; Forró, Laszlo; Cooper, John R.; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Bele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
1983Magnetic susceptibility under pressure and anisotropy of electrical conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional (perylene)2(AsF 6)0.75(PF6)0.35 × 0.85CH2Cl2Moritz, I.; Shaheen, Salem A.; Hardebusch, U.; Schilling, James S.; Weger, Meir; Bender, Klaus; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
2021Magnetic tilting in nematic liquid crystals driven by self‐assemblyHähsler, Martin; Nádasi, Hajnalka; Feneberg, Martin; Marino, Sebastian; Giesselmann, Frank; Behrens, Silke; Eremin, Alexey
1986Magnetic-field–induced transition and quantum oscillations in tetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium perrhenate, (TMTSF)2ReO4Schwenk, Helmut; Parkin, Stuart S. P.; Schumaker, Robert R.; Greene, Richard L.; Schweitzer, Dieter
1994Magnetically modulated microwave absorption (MMMA) at low magnetic fields in (BEDT-TTF)-superconductorsBele, Petra; Brunner, Hermann; Schweitzer, Dieter; Keller, Heimo J.
2004Magnetische Resonanz an magnetischen HalbleiternHübel, Alexander
2003Magnetische Resonanz an Mangan-dotierten HalbleiternWeiers, Tilman
2008Magnetism of amorphous and highly anisotropic multilayer systems on flat substrates and nanospheresAmaladass, Edward Prabu