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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 872
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Eyetracking für das Zusammenspiel von Text und VisualisierungAwad-Mohammed, Miriam
2024Kultureller WandelBecker, Laura; Hornyak, Harald; Kettelhack, Julia; Löffler, Susanne; Petersen, Timo; Steinwand, Melanie; Trötschel, Tanja; Waller, Helmut; Wannagat, Christin; Wetzel-Vollmer, Maren
2024Investigating the design and usability of 360° image annotations in the context of campus accessibilityKönig, Solveigh
2024Performance comparison of CFD microbenchmarks on diverse HPC architecturesGaleazzo, Flavio C. C.; Garcia-Gasulla, Marta; Boella, Elisabetta; Pocurull, Josep; Lesnik, Sergey; Rusche, Henrik; Bnà, Simone; Cerminara, Matteo; Brogi, Federico; Marchetti, Filippo; Gregori, Daniele; Weiß, R. Gregor; Ruopp, Andreas
2024Every thing can be a hero! : narrative visualization of person, object, and other biographiesKusnick, Jakob; Mayr, Eva; Seirafi, Kasra; Beck, Samuel; Liem, Johannes; Windhager, Florian
2022Modeling friction stir welding : on prediction and numerical tool developmentHossfeld, Max
2020Fire rating of post-installed anchors and rebarsMahrenholtz, Philipp; Sharma, Akanshu
2024Characterisation of sdobe and mud-straw for the restoration and rehabilitation of Persian historical adobe buildingsHejazi, Bina; Luz, Corinna; Grüner, Friedrich; Frick, Jürgen; Garrecht, Harald
2024Theoretical-numerical investigation of a new approach to reconstruct the temperature field in PBF-LB/M using multispectral process monitoringMay, Lisa; Werz, Martin
2024An innovative technological infrastructure for managing SARS-CoV-2 data across different cohorts in compliance with General Data Protection RegulationDellacasa, Chiara; Ortali, Maurizio; Rossi, Elisa; Abu Attieh, Hammam; Osmo, Thomas; Puskaric, Miroslav; Rinaldi, Eugenia; Prasser, Fabian; Stellmach, Caroline; Cataudella, Salvatore; Agarwal, Bhaskar; Mata Naranjo, Juan; Scipione, Gabriella
2024User-centric approach of visual cues to enhance VR orientation for people with visual impairmentsBaric̆ová, Katarina
2023Improving instruction conveyance in human-to-human collaboration tasks using Augmented RealityAygün, Elif Dilara
2023Performance‐Prüfverfahren für den Sulfatwiderstand von BetonVollpracht, Anya; Feldrappe, Volkert; Overmann, Steffen; Haufe, Johannes; Ehrenberg, Andreas; Beutel, Ralf; Matschei, Thomas
2024Investigation of tool degradation during friction stir welding of hybrid aluminum-steel sheets in a combined butt and overlap jointGöbel, Robin; Schwertel, Stefanie; Weihe, Stefan; Werz, Martin
2023Streaming in web-based ARBrantner, Vinzenz
2019Requirements for finding research data and softwareHermann, Sibylle; Iglezakis, Dorothea; Seeland, Anett
2023Visual parameters space analysis for architectural design space explorationGrund, Sebastian
2023A novel NeRF-based approach for extracting single objects and generating synthetic training data for grasp prediction modelsMobasher, Anas
2023Visualizing insurance risks and accessibility problems with Virtual RealityBöhl, Dominik
2023Visual comparison of music composing AIDeichmann, Hannes
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 872