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Treffer 451-500 von 617 (Suchzeit: 0.055 Sekunden).
Treffer Dokumente:
2022Continuous wave Doppler-free spectroscopy on the 𝐀 𝟐𝚺+ ← 𝐗 𝟐𝚷𝟑/𝟐 transition in thermal nitric oxideKaspar, Patrick
2022Subordinated fields and random elliptic partial differential equationsMerkle, Robin
2016Liquid vapor phase transitions : modeling, Riemann solvers and computationZeiler, Christoph
2022Advanced fabrication strategies for complex micro-opticsRistok, Simon
2023The phase field approach for reactive fluid-solid interfaces : modeling and homogenizationWolff, Lars von
2022Mathematische Modellierung von wellenoptischer Absorption beim LaserschneidenWörner, Maximilian
2023Mixed-dimensional modeling of flow in porous mediaBurbulla, Samuel
2020Phase transitions in thermodynamically consistent biochemical systemsNguyen, Basile
2020Electrolyte solutions at heterogeneously charged surfacesMußotter, Maximilian
2022Integrating silicon carbide spintronics quantum systemsBabin, Charles
2020Hocheffiziente Präzisionsalgorithmen zur Modellierung und Analyse granularer poröser MedienZauner, Thomas
2020Molekulardynamische Simulationen der Laserablation an Aluminium unter Einbeziehung von PlasmaeffektenEisfeld, Eugen
2020Uncertainty quantification with Lévy-type random fieldsStein, Andreas
2020Phase-space resolved decay rates of driven systems near the transition stateFeldmaier, Matthias
2020Theory of nonlinear nanophotonicsDefrance, Josselin
2020Gendo-Frobenius algebras and comultiplicationYirtici, Cigdem
2020Fluctuations and correlations of quantum heat enginesDenzler, Tobias
2022Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for stochastic field theories : general formulation and application to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equationNiggemann, Oliver
2020Virtual levels of multi-particle quantum systems and their implications for the Efimov effectBitter, Andreas
2021Correlated phenomena in graphene at high and low carrier densityGeurs, Johannes
2021Thermoelektronische Energiekonvertierung und ihre fundamentalen GrenzenWanke, Robin
2020Algorithms and resources for quantum technology, sensing and random number generationGreiner, Johannes N.
2021On the eigenvalues of the non-self-adjoint Robin Laplacian on bounded domains and compact quantum graphsLang, Robin
2022High pressure dielectric studies on hybrid crystals: perovskites and berylChan, Yuk Tai
2021Collective effects of light-matter interactions in Rydberg superatomsKumlin, Jan
2022Electrical transport and microwave study of a correlated two-dimensional electron systemTabrea, Daniela
2023Characters and character sheaves of finite groups of Lie typeHetz, Jonas
2023Scanning tunneling microscopy of superconductors and high field electron spin resonanceUhl, Maximilian
2023Static and dynamic investigation of magnonic systems : materials, applications and modelingSchulz, Frank
2018Stochastic thermodynamics of learningGoldt, Sebastian
2018High-resolution X-ray ptychography for magnetic imagingBykova, Iuliia
2018Optical studies on Dirac and Weyl semimetalsSchilling, Micha Benjamin
2017From classical absolute stability tests towards a comprehensive robustness analysisFetzer, Matthias
2016Experimental investigation of VO2-based field-effect devicesLanzano, Marco
20163D printing of sub-micrometer accurate ultra-compact free-form opticsGissibl, Timo
2018Randomization and companion algorithms in stochastic approximation with semimartingalesPfrommer, Timo
2018Fluorescent nanodiamonds as a sensor and life science probeRendler, Torsten
2017Nonlinear optical microspectroscopy with few-cycle laser pulsesWan, Hui
2018Revealing plasmonic effects of one-dimensional periodic structures through Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometryWang, Meng
2018Nanotribologie von kolloidalen Kristallen auf periodischen SubstratpotenzialenBrazda, Thorsten
2018Thermodynamic bounds on current fluctuationsPietzonka, Patrick
2016Critical dynamics in classical antiferromagnetsTseng, Kuo Feng
2017Scanning single-electron transistor array microscope to probe a two-dimensional electron system under quantum Hall conditions below 40 milli-KelvinMausser, Marcel D.
2018Electrokinetic transport phenomena in soft-matter systemsRempfer, Georg
2016Entropic segregation of polymers under confinementMinina, Elena
2018Effective interactions between colloidal particles in critical solventsLabbé-Laurent, Marcel
2018Electrolyte solutions and simple fluids at curved wallsReindl, Andreas
2017Minimal orbits of isotropy actions for the classical root systems with simply-laced Dynkin diagramsReiswich, Anton
2018Mitigating the noise of a quantum sensor in single-spin nuclear magnetic resonancePfender, Matthias
2018Fluoreszenzdetektiertes Schalten im optischen NahfeldHeilig, Mark
Treffer 451-500 von 617 (Suchzeit: 0.055 Sekunden).