Browsing by Author Schmauder, Siegfried

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Analyzing the effects of Cr and Mo on the pearlite formation in hypereutectoid steel using experiments and phase field numerical simulationsQayyum, Faisal; Darabi, Ali Cheloee; Guk, Sergey; Guski, Vinzenz; Schmauder, Siegfried; Prahl, Ulrich
2023Assessing fatigue life cycles of material X10CrMoVNb9-1 through a combination of experimental and finite element analysisRahim, Mohammad Ridzwan Bin Abd; Schmauder, Siegfried; Manurung, Yupiter H. P.; Binkele, Peter; Dusza, Ján; Csanádi, Tamás; Ahmad, Meor Iqram Meor; Mat, Muhd Faiz; Dogahe, Kiarash Jamali
2021Characterization of cure behavior in epoxy using molecular dynamics simulation compared with dielectric analysis and DSCYan, Shuang; Verestek, Wolfgang; Zeizinger, Harald; Schmauder, Siegfried
2023Deformation behavior investigation of auxetic structure made of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) biopolymers using finite element methodSchneider, Yanling; Guski, Vinzenz; Schmauder, Siegfried; Kadkhodapour, Javad; Hufert, Jonas; Grebhardt, Axel; Bonten, Christian
2023Deformation behavior of 3D printed auxetic structures of thermoplastic polymers : PLA, PBAT, and blendsHufert, Jonas; Grebhardt, Axel; Schneider, Yanling; Bonten, Christian; Schmauder, Siegfried
2022Development of a multi-sensor concept for real-time temperature measurement at the cutting insert of a single-lip deep hole drilling toolRamme, Johannes; Wegert, Robert; Guski, Vinzenz; Schmauder, Siegfried; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2021Experimental investigations of micro-meso damage evolution for a Co/WC-type tool material with application of digital image correlation and machine learningSchneider, Yanling; Zielke, Reiner; Xu, Chensheng; Tayyab, Muhammad; Weber, Ulrich; Schmauder, Siegfried; Tillmann, Wolfgang
2021Fatigue improvement of AlSi10Mg fabricated by laser-based powder bed fusion through heat treatmentSajadi, Felix; Tiemann, Jan-Marc; Bandari, Nooshin; Cheloee Darabi, Ali; Mola, Javad; Schmauder, Siegfried
2023FEM simulations of fatigue crack initiation in the oligocrystalline microstructure of stentsLasko, Galina; Schmauder, Siegfried; Yang, Yitong; Weiss, Sabine; Dogahe, Kiarash
2023Hybrid Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics/Finite Element Method simulation of water droplet erosion on ductile metallic targetsMora, Alejandro; Xu, Ruihan; Schmauder, Siegfried
2020Increasing fatigue life of 09Mn2Si steel by helical rolling : theoretical−experimental study on governing role of grain boundariesPanin, Sergey; Vlasov, Ilya; Maksimov, Pavel; Moiseenko, Dmitry; Maruschak, Pavlo; Yakovlev, Alexander; Schmauder, Siegfried; Berto, Filippo
2021Increasing low-temperature toughness of 09Mn2Si steel through lamellar structuring by helical rollingPanin, Sergey; Vlasov, Ilya; Moiseenko, Dmitry; Maksimov, Pavel; Maruschak, Pavlo; Yakovlev, Alexander; Gomorova, Julia; Mishin, Ivan; Schmauder, Siegfried
2022Interaction of oxygen with the stable Ti5Si3 surfaceChumakova, Lora S.; Bakulin, Alexander V.; Hocker, Stephen; Schmauder, Siegfried; Kulkova, Svetlana E.
2023Investigation of auxetic structural deformation behavior of PBAT polymers using process and finite element simulationSchneider, Yanling; Guski, Vinzenz; Sahin, Ahmet O.; Schmauder, Siegfried; Kadkhodapour, Javad; Hufert, Jonas; Grebhardt, Axel; Bonten, Christian
2023Investigation of auxetic structural deformation behavior of PBAT polymers using process and finite element simulationSchneider, Yanling; Guski, Vinzenz; Sahin, Ahmet O.; Schmauder, Siegfried; Kadkhodapour, Javad; Hufert, Jonas; Grebhardt, Axel; Bonten, Christian
2021In‐situ investigation of dielectric properties and reaction kinetics of a glass‐fiber‐reinforced epoxy composite material using dielectric analysisYan, Shuang; Zeizinger, Harald; Merten, Clemens; Schmauder, Siegfried
2022Many-scale investigations of deformation behavior of polycrystalline composites: II - micro-macro simultaneous FE and discrete dislocation dynamics simulationSchneider, Yanling; Rapp, Dennis-Michael; Yang, Yifang; Wasserbäch, Werner; Schmauder, Siegfried
2022Many-scale investigations of the deformation behavior of polycrystalline composites: I - machine learning applied for image segmentationSchneider, Yanling; Prabhu, Vighnesh; Höss, Kai; Wasserbäch, Werner; Zhou, Zhangjian; Schmauder, Siegfried
2021Molecular dynamics simulation of high-temperature creep behavior of nickel polycrystalline nanopillarsXu, Xiang; Binkele, Peter; Verestek, Wolfgang; Schmauder, Siegfried
2020A newly discovered relation between the critical resolved shear stress and the fatigue endurance limit for metallic materialsMlikota, Marijo; Schmauder, Siegfried