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2017Förderverhalten eines Plattenaustreibers mit nachgeschaltetem Förderrohr für thermisch angetriebene KälteanlagenBierling, Bernd; Schmid, Fabian; Spindler, Klaus
2018Förderwirkung von Fehlstellen im Dichtsystem Radial-WellendichtungTotz, Jan; Baumann, Matthias; Bauer, Frank
2021FPGA implementation of an energy-efficient real-time image compression algorithm for the EIVE satellite missionWiewel, Florian
2010FPGA-based reconfigurable on-board computing systems for space applicationsKuwahara, Toshinori
2021Fractional glassy relaxation and convolution modules of distributionsKleiner, Tillmann; Hilfer, Rudolf
2021Fractional power-law intraband optical conductivity in the low-dimensional Dirac material CaMnBi2Schilling, Micha Benjamin; Wang, C. X.; Shi, You-Guo; Kremer, Reinhard Karl; Dressel, Martin; Pronin, Artem V.
1991Fracture analysis of concrete plane-stress pull-out testsCervenka, Vladimir; Pukl, Radomir; Eligehausen, Rolf
1989A fracture mechanics based description of the pull-out behavior of headed studs embedded in concreteEligehausen, Rolf; Sawade, Gottfried
1994Fracture size effect: review of evidence for concrete structuresBazant, Zdenek P.; Ozbolt, Josko; Eligehausen, Rolf
2023Fractures in glaciers : crack tips and their stress fields by observation and modelingHumbert, Angelika; Gross, Dietmar; Sondershaus, Rabea; Müller, Ralf; Steeb, Holger; Braun, Matthias; Brauchle, Jörg; Stebner, Karsten; Rückamp, Martin
2008Fragebogen zu Digital Repositories - Auswertung : MWK-Workshop - Informationsvernetzung, 24. Juni 2008Rusnak, Ute
2003Fragen und Antworten zur Roten GentechnikKochte-Clemens, Barbara
2005Fragmentierung niedrigliegender Dipolmoden in ungeraden Kernen am N=82 SchalenabschlußScheck, Marcus
2009Fragments of first-order logic over infinite wordsDiekert, Volker; Kufleitner, Manfred
2012Framework for application topology discovery to enable migration of business processes to the cloudKrein, Jakob
2018Framework for automatic selection of analytic platforms for data mining tasksMuazzen, Osama
1999A framework for cooperative object recognitionOswald, Norbert; Levi, Paul
2021A framework for distributed training of physics-informed neural networks using JAXBraun, Johannes Frederic
2024Framework for holistic online optimization of milling machine conditions to enhance machine efficiency and sustainabilityBott, Alexander; Anderlik, Simon; Ströbel, Robin; Fleischer, Jürgen; Worthmann, Andreas
2019A framework for learning activities of office occupantsGupta, Prashant