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Autor(en): Hörning, Marcel
Bullmann, Torsten
Shibata, Tatsuo
Titel: Local membrane curvature pins and guides excitable membrane waves in chemotactic and macropinocytic cells : biomedical insights from an innovative simple model
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Dokumentart: Zeitschriftenartikel
Seiten: 14
Erschienen in: Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9 (2021), No. 670943
ISSN: 2296-634X
Zusammenfassung: PIP3 dynamics observed in membranes are responsible for the protruding edge formation in cancer and amoeboid cells. The mechanisms that maintain those PIP3 domains in three-dimensional space remain elusive, due to limitations in observation and analysis techniques. Recently, a strong relation between the cell geometry, the spatial confinement of the membrane, and the excitable signal transduction system has been revealed by Hörning and Shibata (2019) using a novel 3D spatiotemporal analysis methodology that enables the study of membrane signaling on the entire membrane (Hörning and Shibata, 2019). Here, using 3D spatial fluctuation and phase map analysis on actin polymerization inhibited Dictyostelium cells, we reveal a spatial asymmetry of PIP3 signaling on the membrane that is mediated by the contact perimeter of the plasma membrane - the spatial boundary around the cell-substrate adhered area on the plasma membrane. We show that the contact perimeter guides PIP3 waves and acts as a pinning site of PIP3 phase singularities, that is, the center point of spiral waves. The contact perimeter serves as a diffusion influencing boundary that is regulated by a cell size- and shape-dependent curvature. Our findings suggest an underlying mechanism that explains how local curvature can favor actin polymerization when PIP3 domains get pinned at the curved protrusive membrane edges in amoeboid cells.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:04 Fakultät Energie-, Verfahrens- und Biotechnik

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