Browsing by Author Möhring, Hans-Christian

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Assessment of the heat transfer conditions in the cavity of a rotating circular sawStegmann, Jan; Baumert, Moritz; Kabelac, Stephan; Menze, Christian; Ramme, Johannes; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2022Cutting tool condition monitoring using eigenfaces : tool wear monitoring in millingKönig, Wolfgang; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2024A data-driven approach for cutting force prediction in FEM machining simulations using gradient boosted machinesReeber, Tim; Wolf, Jan; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2022Determination of the shear angle in the orthogonal cutting processStorchak, Michael; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2022Determination of the tool-chip contact length for the cutting processesStorchak, Michael; Drewle, Konstantin; Menze, Christian; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2022Development of a multi-sensor concept for real-time temperature measurement at the cutting insert of a single-lip deep hole drilling toolRamme, Johannes; Wegert, Robert; Guski, Vinzenz; Schmauder, Siegfried; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2023Einsatz von KI bei der Prozessvorhersage für Bandsägen : Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz zur Vorhersage von Prozesskräften beim BandsägenTandler, Tobias; Hirth, Thomas; Eisseler, Rocco; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2022Evaluation of methods for measuring tool-chip contact length in wet machining using different approaches (microtextured tool, in-situ visualization and restricted contact tool)Ellersiek, Lars; Menze, Christian; Sauer, Florian; Denkena, Berend; Möhring, Hans-Christian; Schulze, Volker
2023Flow visualisation and evaluation studies on metalworking fluid applications in manufacturing processes : methods and resultsFritsching, Udo; Buss, Lizoel; Tonn, Teresa; Schumski, Lukas; Gakovi, Jurgen; Hatscher, Johnson David; Sölter, Jens; Avila, Kerstin; Karpuschewski, Bernhard; Gerken, Julian Frederic; Wolf, Tobias; Biermann, Dirk; Menze, Christian; Möhring, Hans-Christian; Tchoupe, Elio; Heidemanns, Lukas; Herrig, Tim; Klink, Andreas; Nabbout, Kaissar; Sommerfeld, Martin; Luther, Fabian; Schaarschmidt, Ingo; Schubert, Andreas; Richter, Markus
2023Generalizable process monitoring for FFF 3D printing with machine visionWerkle, Kim Torben; Trage, Caroline; Wolf, Jan; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2021Improving machinability of additively manufactured components with selectively weakened materialMaucher, Clemens; Teich, Heiko; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2021Influence of a closed-loop controlled laser metal wire deposition process of S Al 5356 on the quality of manufactured parts before and after subsequent machiningBecker, Dina; Boley, Steffen; Eisseler, Rocco; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian; Onuseit, Volkher; Hoßfeld, Max; Graf, Thomas
2021Influence of the manufacturing parameters of an AlMg5 wire-based hybrid production process on quality and mechanical propertiesMöhring, Hans-Christian; Becker, Dina; Eisseler, Rocco; Stehle, Thomas; Reeber, Tim
2021Inverse determination of Johnson-Cook parameters of additively produced anisotropic maraging steelEisseler, Rocco; Gutsche, Daniel; Maucher, Clemens; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2023Numerical modeling of cutting characteristics during short hole drilling : modeling of kinetic characteristicsStorchak, Michael; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2024Numerical modeling of cutting characteristics during short hole drilling : part 2 - modeling of thermal characteristicsStorchak, Michael; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2021Optimization of a clamping concept based on machine learningFeng, Qi; Maier, Walther; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2021Simulation study on single-lip deep hole drilling using design of experimentsFandino, Daniel; Guski, Vinzenz; Wegert, Robert; Möhring, Hans-Christian; Schmauder, Siegfried
2023SmartLab vernetzt Produktionsmaschinen : Aufbau einer digitalen Prozesskette in einer bestehenden ProduktionsumgebungSchneider, Matthias; Meier, Veronika; Stehle, Thomas; Möhring, Hans-Christian
2023Validation of the manufacturing Methodology of prestressed fiber-reinforced polymer concrete by the variation of process parametersEngert, Michelle; Werkle, Kim Torben; Wegner, Robert; Born, Larissa; Gresser, Götz T.; Möhring, Hans-Christian