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Treffer 1-22 von 22 (Suchzeit: 0.046 Sekunden).
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Treffer Dokumente:
2016Spectroscopy of single rare earth solid-state qubitsXia, Kangwei
2012Towards a room temperature solid state quantum processor - the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamondNeumann, Philipp
2011Decoherence properties of the NV-center in diamondRempp, Florian
2014Development of a diamond-based scanning probe spin sensor operating at low temperature in ultra high vacuumSchäfer-Nolte, Eike Oliver
2014Precision quantum state preparation and readout of solid state spinsWaldherr, Gerald
2010Hidden Markov-Modelle für EinzelmoleküldatenZarrabi, Nawid
2010Diindeno-Perylen als Absorber in organischen photovoltaischen ZellenRoller, Tobias
2014The nitrogen vacancy center in internal and external fieldsDolde, Florian
2017Engineering of hybrid quantum diamond structures for sensing applicationsMomenzadeh, S. Ali
2017Forefront engineering of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum technologiesFávaro de Oliveira, Felipe
2017Nanoscale electron spin resonanceSchlipf, Lukas
2015Quantitative coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering micro-spectroscopy : theory and applicationsHehl, Gregor F. M.
2019Nanometric magnetic resonance imaging with a wide field of viewZiem, Florestan
2019Quantum emitters in low dimensional van der Waals systemsChejanovsky, Natan
2019A single electron sensor assisted by a quantum coprocessorZaiser, Sebastian
2018Fluorescent nanodiamonds as a sensor and life science probeRendler, Torsten
2017Nonlinear optical microspectroscopy with few-cycle laser pulsesWan, Hui
2018Mitigating the noise of a quantum sensor in single-spin nuclear magnetic resonancePfender, Matthias
2018Fluoreszenzdetektiertes Schalten im optischen NahfeldHeilig, Mark
2019NMR spectroscopy with single shallow NV centersShagieva, Farida
2018Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with chemical structure resolutionAslam, Nabeel
2019Hyperspectral coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) imagingGomes da Costa, Stefan
Treffer 1-22 von 22 (Suchzeit: 0.046 Sekunden).
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