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Treffer 1-48 von 48 (Suchzeit: 0.093 Sekunden).
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Treffer Dokumente:
2024Nonlinear dynamics of and coherent Raman imaging with fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillatorsFloess, Moritz
2023Towards highly efficient single photon detectors for near- and mid-infrared using integrated niobium plasmonicsKarl, Philipp
2022Theory of resonant light-matter interactions in nanophotonic sensingBoth, Steffen
2022Functional & active plasmonic systems and metasurfacesKarst, Julian
2022Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide : macroscopic quantum systems coupled to nanoplasmonic and nanophotonic componentsNeubauer, Annika
2022Advanced fabrication strategies for complex micro-opticsRistok, Simon
20223D printed micro-optics: materials, methods and applicationsWeber, Ksenia
2022Collective excitations and order parameter dynamics in quantum materialsKim, Min-Jae
2021Nonlinear optics in hybrid plasmon-fiber cavitiesAi, Qi
2020Ultrafast laser sources : tunable, ultrafast laser sources for near- and mid-IR spectroscopyMörz, Florian
2020Perturbation and manipulation of leaky modes in photonic crystal fibersUpendar, Swaathi
2020Theory of nonlinear nanophotonicsDefrance, Josselin
2020Imaging microspectroscopy of functional nanoplasmonic systemsSterl, Florian
2020Theory of leaky mode propagation in optical waveguide geometriesAllayarov, Izzatjon
2019Mid-infrared resonant nanostructures for in-vitro monitoring of polypeptidesSemenyshyn, Rostyslav
2018Hybrid materials for nonlinear opticsAlbrecht, Gelon
2017Hydrogen in metal nanoparticles : understanding and applying thermodynamic properties of metal-hydrogen nanostructuresStrohfeldt, Nikolai
2017Near- and mid-infrared supercontinuum sources with MHz repetition ratesKedenburg, Stefan
2017Large-area plasmonics and sensors : fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures by laser interference lithography and femtosecond direct laser writingBagheri, Shahin
2017Hybrid plasmonic structures for giant Faraday rotationFlöß, Dominik
2016Linear & nonlinear plasmonic sensing : complex coupled plasmonic structures, functionalization, and nonlinear effectsMesch, Martin
2016Chiral plasmonic near-field sources : control of chiral electromagnetic fields for chiroptical spectroscopiesSchäferling, Martin
2016Short-range surface plasmonics on single crystalline gold plateletsFrank, Bettina
2016Functional complex plasmonics : understanding and realizing chiral and active plasmonic systemsYin, Xinghui
20163D printing of sub-micrometer accurate ultra-compact free-form opticsGissibl, Timo
2016Ultrafast near- and mid-infrared laser sources for linear and nonlinear spectroscopySteinle, Tobias
2015Hybrid plasmonic devices for sensing and thermal imagingTittl, Andreas
2015Large-area low-cost fabrication of complex plasmonic nanostructures for sensing applicationsZhao, Jun
2014High-power broadband femtosecond near- and mid-infrared sources based on optical parametric oscillators and difference frequency generation at 40 MHz repetition ratesHegenbarth, Robin
2014Ultrafast nonlinear plasmonics : from dipole nanoantennas to hybrid complex plasmonic structuresMetzger, Bernd
2014Optical antennas : nanoscale radiation engineering and enhanced light-matter interactionDrégely, Daniel
2013Optical properties of aperiodic metallic photonic crystal structuresBauer, Christina
2013Complex 2D & 3D plasmonic nanostructures : Fano resonances, chirality, and nonlinearitiesHentschel, Mario
2012From near-field to far-field: plasmonic coupling in three-dimensional nanostructuresTaubert, Richard
2012Nonlinear optics in selectively fluid-filled photonic crystal fibersVieweg, Marius
2011Soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation in complex-shaped tapered fibers and liquid-filled photonic crystal fibersPricking, Sebastian
2011Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of hybrid plasmonic systemsUtikal, Tobias
2011Advanced numerical and semi-analytical scattering matrix calculations for modern nano-opticsWeiss, Thomas
2011Microcavity plasmonicsAmeling, Ralf
2009Compact and efficient femtosecond supercontinuum sources based on diode-pumped solid-state lasersHoos, Felix
2009Three-dimensional optical metamaterialsLiu, Na
2008Fabrication and optical characterization of metamaterials and nano-antennasGuo, Hongcang
2007Modulationsdynamik von rot oberflächenemittierenden HalbleiterlasernBallmann, Tabitha
2007Ultrafast nonlinear effects in one-dimensional photonic crystalsHöner zu Siederdissen, Tilman
2006Characterization of the coherence of ultra-cold atoms with nonlinear matter wave optics methodsMeiser, Dominic
2004Physics and technology of nitride lasersDumitru, Viorel
2002Effective mass and valence-band structure in GaInAs/InP and GaInP/AlGaInP quantum wellsShao, Jun
2002AlGaN/GaN-Heterostrukturen: Epitaxie und elektrische EigenschaftenKuhn, Bertram
Treffer 1-48 von 48 (Suchzeit: 0.093 Sekunden).
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