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Treffer 1-30 von 30 (Suchzeit: 0.077 Sekunden).
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Treffer Dokumente:
2015A two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticityKutter, Michael
2015Efficient schemes for parameterized multiscale problemsAlebrand, Sven
2015Optical and magnetization studies on europium based iron pnictidesZapf, Sina
2015Interactions between universal localisations, ring epimorphisms and tilting modulesMarks, Frederik
2015Adiabatic theorems for general linear operators and well-posedness of linear evolution equationsSchmid, Jochen
2015Multiscale simulations of soft and hard matterRöhm, Dominic
2015Phase behavior of colloidal monolayers on one-dimensional periodic and quasiperiodic light fieldsZaidouny, Lamiss
2015Hybrid plasmonic devices for sensing and thermal imagingTittl, Andreas
2015Universal bounds on efficiency and power of heat engines with broken time-reversal symmetryBrandner, Kay
2015Quantum simulator for spin-orbital magnetismBühler, Adam
2015Spin interactions in graphene-single molecule magnets hybrid materialsCervetti, Christian
2015Far-infrared spectroscopy of lanthanide-based molecular magnetic materialsHaas, Sabrina
2015Nonequilibrium dynamics of DNA unfoldingDieterich, Eckhard
2015Flow and transport of colloidal suspensions in porous mediaWirner, Frank
2015Realizations of PT-symmetric Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent Hermitian potentialsKreibich, Manuel
2015Aktive Brown'sche Bewegung kolloidaler TeilchenKümmel, Felix
2015Simulation of large scale pedestrian flowDridi, Mohamed H.
2015Numerical simulations of metal-oxidesChatzopoulos, Andreas
2015Murphy bases for endomorphism rings of tensor spaceWerth, Mathias
2015Simulations of DNA translocation through nanoporesKesselheim, Stefan
2015Torsionseinheiten in ganzzahligen Gruppenringen nicht auflösbarer GruppenMargolis, Leo
2015Large-area low-cost fabrication of complex plasmonic nanostructures for sensing applicationsZhao, Jun
2015Structure theory for cellularly stratified diagram algebrasPaul, Inga
2015B-Spline Ansatz für die Berechnung des Motional Stark EffektsGöttler, Thorsten
2015Stationäre und dynamische Eigenschaften von dipolaren Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten in verschiedenen FallenpotentialenZajec, Damir
2015Quantum states with topological properties via dipolar interactionsPeter, David
2015Monotonicity-based methods for inverse parameter identification problems in partial differential equationsUllrich, Marcel
2015Dynamics and thermodynamics of molecular motor-cargo systemsZimmermann, Eva
2015Statistical learning of kernel-based methods for non-i.i.d. observationsHang, Hanyuan
2015Quantitative coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering micro-spectroscopy : theory and applicationsHehl, Gregor F. M.
Treffer 1-30 von 30 (Suchzeit: 0.077 Sekunden).
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