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Treffer 1-38 von 38 (Suchzeit: 0.09 Sekunden).
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Treffer Dokumente:
2024Faltungskalkül mit translationsinvarianten Amalgamräumen von Distributionen auf Euklidischen RäumenKleiner, Tillmann
2024Motile bacteria in complex environmentsLohrmann, Christoph
2023Molecular dynamics simulations for the study of interaction between non-canonical DNA structures and biochemically relevant co-solutesOprzeska-Zingrebe, Ewa Anna
2023Coarse-grained simulations of molecular catalysis in confined spacesTischler, Ingo
2022Dielectric effects in complex fluidsZeman, Johannes
2021Tuning the properties and microstructuring of ionic liquid mixtures at surfaces through atomistic modelingKobayashi, Takeshi
2021Modeling the translocation of DNA structures through nanoporesSzuttor, Kai
2021Lattice Boltzmann methods for microswimmers in complex environmentsKuron, Michael
2020Hocheffiziente Präzisionsalgorithmen zur Modellierung und Analyse granularer poröser MedienZauner, Thomas
2020Simulation and modeling of polyelectrolyte gelsLandsgesell, Jonas
2019Nichtlineare Halbgruppen und Hysteresemodelle für nichtmonotone SättigungsprofileSteinle, Rouven
2018Electrokinetic transport phenomena in soft-matter systemsRempfer, Georg
2018Simulation studies on electrodes and electrolytes for electric double layer capacitorsBreitsprecher, Konrad
2017Coarse grained hydrogelsRichter, Tobias
2017Electronic, adsorption, and transport properties of diamondoid-based complexesAdhikari, Bibek
2016Dielectric variations in simulations of charged soft matterFahrenberger, Florian
2016Entropic segregation of polymers under confinementMinina, Elena
2015Multiscale simulations of soft and hard matterRöhm, Dominic
2015Simulations of DNA translocation through nanoporesKesselheim, Stefan
2014The electrophoretic mobility of bare and soft spherical colloids : a molecular dynamics studyRaafatnia, Shervin
2014Simulation of novel magnetic materials in the field of soft matterWeeber, Rudolf
2014Crystallization pathways and mechanisms of charged macromolecules at low supersaturationsKratzer, Kai
2013From the inhomogeneous electron gas to classical force fields : a multi-scale model for ionic liquidsDommert, Florian
2012Laufende Wellenlösungen von Systemen nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen am Beispiel von Mehrphasenströmungen in porösen MedienHönig, Oliver
2011Die Bedeutung perkolierender und nichtperkolierender Phasen bei Mehrphasenströmungen in porösen Medien auf LaborskalaDoster, Florian
2011Failure of granular assembliesWelker, Philipp
2010Lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid flow in the vicinity of rough and hydrophobic boundariesKunert, Christian
2007Simulation of peloidsHecht, Martin
2007Sand dunes on Mars and on EarthRibeiro Parteli, Eric Josef
2007Vegetated dunes and barchan dune fieldsDurán, Orencio
2007Fibre models for shear failure and plasticityRaischel, Frank
2006Simulations on evolutionary phenomena with ageing modelsSchwämmle, Veit
2006Contact Networks of Mobile Agents and Spreading DynamicsGonzález, Marta C.
2006Fast Algorithms to simulate extremely polydisperse mediaWackenhut, Martin
2005Untersuchung der Pfropfendynamik und -stabilität bei der vertikalen und horizontalen PfropfenförderungStrauß, Martin
2005Polydisperse granular packings and bearingsMahmoodi Baram, Reza
2004Sedimentation of oblate ellipsoidsFonseca Fonseca, Frank Rodolfo
2000Entwurf eines integrierten Systems zur Visualisierung von Ergebnissen numerischer Berechnungsverfahren für massiv parallele RechnerarchitekturenSchlageter, Hans-Ulrich
Treffer 1-38 von 38 (Suchzeit: 0.09 Sekunden).
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