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Treffer 1-27 von 27 (Suchzeit: 0.07 Sekunden).
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Treffer Dokumente:
2013Optical pumping of a dense quantum gas at its limits : continuous Sisyphus cooling and demagnetization cooling towards degeneracyVolchkov, Valentin V.
2013Model reduction for nonlinear systems : kernel methods and error estimationWirtz, Daniel
2013From the inhomogeneous electron gas to classical force fields : a multi-scale model for ionic liquidsDommert, Florian
2013Effective potentials for numerical investigations of complex intermetallic phasesSchopf, Daniel
2013Stability and collapse dynamics of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in one-dimensional optical latticesMüller, Stefan
2013Nonequilibrium dynamics of colloidsLander, Boris
2013Strongly interacting many-body systems in cold atomic gasesHoner, Jens Daniel
2013Getriebene kolloidale Monolagen auf lichtinduzierten SubstratpotentialenBohlein, Thomas
2013The q-Brauer algebrasNguyen, Tien Dung
2013Contraction dynamics of biological muscles : mechanical and thermodynamical prediction, and experimental verificationHäufle, Daniel F. B.
2013Chirale Trennung kolloidaler Teilchen in helikalen FlussfeldernAristov, Maria
2013Monte-Carlo-Studien für neutrale Atome und Ionen in starken MagnetfeldernBoblest, Sebastian
2013Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of the extrinsic pro-apoptotic signaling pathwayDaub, Markus
2013B-Spline-Approximation elliptischer Randwertprobleme mit unstetigen KoeffizientenKeller, Andreas
2013On the centralizer algebras of tensor products of irreducible Weyl modulesHatt, Tobias
2013Smoothing spline regression estimates for randomly right censored dataWinter, Stefan
2013Mollow triplet emission properties and dephasing effects in semiconductor quantum dotsWeiler, Stefanie
2013Macroscopic quantum tunneling in Bose-Einstein condensatesSchwidder, Torsten
2013Decomposing André-Neto supercharacters of Sylow p-subgroups of Lie type DJedlitschky, Markus
2013Neue Methoden für die Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer ProzesseHokenmaier, Stephania
2013Getriebene kolloidale TeilchenMehl, Jakob
2013Optical properties of aperiodic metallic photonic crystal structuresBauer, Christina
2013InP/(Al,Ga)InP quantum dots on GaAs- and Si-substrates for single-photon generation at elevated temperaturesBommer, Moritz
2013Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated 1D systemsMoreno, Alexander
2013Complex 2D & 3D plasmonic nanostructures : Fano resonances, chirality, and nonlinearitiesHentschel, Mario
2013On polarons and multipolarons in electromagnetic fieldsWellig, David
2013Generalized polygons with doubly transitive ovoidsKrinn, Boris
Treffer 1-27 von 27 (Suchzeit: 0.07 Sekunden).
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