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Treffer 51-100 von 272 (Suchzeit: 0.121 Sekunden).
Treffer Dokumente:
2011Decoherence properties of the NV-center in diamondRempp, Florian
2011Kolloidale Wechselwirkungen in binären FlüssigkeitenNellen, Ursula
2011Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy of hybrid plasmonic systemsUtikal, Tobias
2012Active, phoretic motionSabaß, Benedikt C.
2011Consistency and bandwidth selection for dependent data in non-parametric functional data analysisMüller, Simon Peter
2014Justification of an approximation equation for the Benard-Marangoni problemZimmermann, Dominik
2014Adaptive two-scale models for processes with evolution of microstructuresRedeker, Magnus
2014Laser cooling of a magnetically guided ultra cold atom beamAghajani-Talesh, Anoush
2014High-power broadband femtosecond near- and mid-infrared sources based on optical parametric oscillators and difference frequency generation at 40 MHz repetition ratesHegenbarth, Robin
2014Fluss und Transport in mikrofluidischen porösen MedienScholz, Christian
2014Transition state theory for wave packet dynamics and its application to thermal decay of metastable nonlinear Schrödinger systemsJunginger, Marco Andrej
2014Ultrafast nonlinear plasmonics : from dipole nanoantennas to hybrid complex plasmonic structuresMetzger, Bernd
2014D-state Rydberg electrons interacting with ultracold atomsKrupp, Alexander Thorsten
2011Quantum thermodynamics under observation : the influence of quantum measurementsJahnke, Thomas
2011Computer simulations of laser ablation from simple metals to complex metallic alloysSonntag, Steffen
2010Kiefer-Wolfowitz type stochastic approximation with semimartingalesSchnizler, Philipp
2010Diagonale Formen mit polynomialen Koeffizienten und Summen binärer FormenMadlener, Alexander
2011Finite element methods with hierarchical WEB-splinesMustahsan, Muhammad
2013On the centralizer algebras of tensor products of irreducible Weyl modulesHatt, Tobias
2013Smoothing spline regression estimates for randomly right censored dataWinter, Stefan
2013Mollow triplet emission properties and dephasing effects in semiconductor quantum dotsWeiler, Stefanie
2013Macroscopic quantum tunneling in Bose-Einstein condensatesSchwidder, Torsten
2013Decomposing André-Neto supercharacters of Sylow p-subgroups of Lie type DJedlitschky, Markus
2013Neue Methoden für die Optimierung verfahrenstechnischer ProzesseHokenmaier, Stephania
2018Quantum Monte Carlo studies of strongly correlated systems for quantum simulatorsHumeniuk, Stephan
2014Development of a diamond-based scanning probe spin sensor operating at low temperature in ultra high vacuumSchäfer-Nolte, Eike Oliver
2014Vesicles in flow : role of thermal fluctuationsAbreu, David
2014Optical antennas : nanoscale radiation engineering and enhanced light-matter interactionDrégely, Daniel
2014Variational approaches to dipolar Bose-Einstein condensatesFortanier, Rüdiger Matthias
2014Precision quantum state preparation and readout of solid state spinsWaldherr, Gerald
20142D calculations for atoms and ions in strong magnetic fields of white dwarfs and neutron starsSchimeczek, Christoph
2010Hidden Markov-Modelle für EinzelmoleküldatenZarrabi, Nawid
2011Failure of granular assembliesWelker, Philipp
2010Elastische Kapseln im hydrodynamischen FlussKeßler, Steffen
2010Fluctuation theorems in closed modular quantum systems : local effective dynamicsTeifel, Jens
2011Über Differenzierbarkeit 2-dimensionaler projektiver Ebenen : am Beispiel von Schiebe- und Schellhammer-EbenenPoppitz, Steffen
2010Elektrodynamik dünner Metallfilme am Isolator-Metall-ÜbergangHövel, Hans Martin
2010Diindeno-Perylen als Absorber in organischen photovoltaischen ZellenRoller, Tobias
2010Ultralong range Rydberg molecules : investigation of a novel bindingBendkowsky, Vera
2010Krümmungsinduzierte Wechselwirkungen zwischen fluktuierenden Membranen und diffundierenden ProteinenLeitenberger, Stefan
2010In-situ X-ray studies of model electrode surfaces for solid oxide fuel cellsKhorshidi, Navid
2010Thermodynamic functionality of autonomous quantum networksSchröder, Heiko Christian
2011Advanced numerical and semi-analytical scattering matrix calculations for modern nano-opticsWeiss, Thomas
2010Elektronentheorie der dissipativen Magnetisierungsdynamik : anisotrope und nichtlokale EffekteSeib, Jonas
2010Lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid flow in the vicinity of rough and hydrophobic boundariesKunert, Christian
2010Interplay of charge order and superconductivity : optical properties of quarter-filled two-dimensional organic conductors and superconductorsKaiser, Stefan
2015A two scale model for liquid phase epitaxy with elasticityKutter, Michael
2015Efficient schemes for parameterized multiscale problemsAlebrand, Sven
2014Adaptive finite elements for state-constrained optimal control problems - convergence analysis and a posteriori error estimationSteinig, Simeon
2014Phasonendynamik in dekagonalen QuasikristallenLipp, Hansjörg
Treffer 51-100 von 272 (Suchzeit: 0.121 Sekunden).