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Treffer 1-50 von 272 (Suchzeit: 0.131 Sekunden).
Treffer Dokumente:
2013Optical pumping of a dense quantum gas at its limits : continuous Sisyphus cooling and demagnetization cooling towards degeneracyVolchkov, Valentin V.
2016Spectroscopy of single rare earth solid-state qubitsXia, Kangwei
2014Self-propelled particles driven by lightButtinoni, Ivo
2013Model reduction for nonlinear systems : kernel methods and error estimationWirtz, Daniel
2010Robust numerical algorithms for dynamic frictional contact problems with different time and space scalesHager, Corinna
2011On the U-module structure of unipotent Specht modules of finite general linear groupsGuo, Qiong
2010Dynamics of complex fluids at liquid-solid interfacesAlmenar Egea, Laura
2016Failure of amplitude equationsSunny, Danish Ali
2011Polarisationsoptische Eigenschaften nanostrukturierter MetallfilmeBraun, Julia
2013From the inhomogeneous electron gas to classical force fields : a multi-scale model for ionic liquidsDommert, Florian
2013Effective potentials for numerical investigations of complex intermetallic phasesSchopf, Daniel
2013Stability and collapse dynamics of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in one-dimensional optical latticesMüller, Stefan
2013Nonequilibrium dynamics of colloidsLander, Boris
2013Strongly interacting many-body systems in cold atomic gasesHoner, Jens Daniel
2013Getriebene kolloidale Monolagen auf lichtinduzierten SubstratpotentialenBohlein, Thomas
2012Kohärente Rydberg-Spektroskopie in einer Rubidium MikrozelleKübler, Harald
2013The q-Brauer algebrasNguyen, Tien Dung
2011Die Bedeutung perkolierender und nichtperkolierender Phasen bei Mehrphasenströmungen in porösen Medien auf LaborskalaDoster, Florian
2012Korrelationsfunktions-Quanten-Monte-Carlo-Methode zur Berechnung von angeregten Zuständen von Mehrelektronen-Atomen in NeutronensternmagnetfeldernMeyer, Dirk
2012From near-field to far-field: plasmonic coupling in three-dimensional nanostructuresTaubert, Richard
2013Contraction dynamics of biological muscles : mechanical and thermodynamical prediction, and experimental verificationHäufle, Daniel F. B.
2013Chirale Trennung kolloidaler Teilchen in helikalen FlussfeldernAristov, Maria
2012Interacting Rydberg atoms : coherent control at Förster resonances and polar homonuclear moleculesNipper, Johannes Maximilian
2012Molecular dynamics of metal oxides with induced electrostatic dipole momentsBeck, Philipp
2012Micromechanical modeling of ferroelectric thin films and bulk ceramics in a multi-scale approachAnand, Olena
2012An adaptive finite element method for control-constrained optimal control problemsKohls, Kristina
2012The Hartree-Fock equations in quantum mechanicsHantsch, Fabian Clemens
2012Laufende Wellenlösungen von Systemen nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungen am Beispiel von Mehrphasenströmungen in porösen MedienHönig, Oliver
2012Towards a room temperature solid state quantum processor - the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamondNeumann, Philipp
2011Lattice dynamics of complex metallic alloysEuchner, Holger
2012Kritischer Casimir-Effekt in kolloidalen ModellsystemenZvyagolskaya, Olga Valerevna
2012On the possibility of fractional statistics in the two-dimensional t-J model at low dopingBeck, Thorsten
2012Nonlinear optics in selectively fluid-filled photonic crystal fibersVieweg, Marius
2011Magnetoelektrischer Effekt in metallischen Nanostrukturen : Ab-initio Elektronentheorie und atomistische ModellierungSubkow, Sergej
2012On torsion subgroups and their normalizers in integral group ringsBächle, Andreas
2012Auslander generators for piecewise hereditary algebrasMüller-Platz, Severin
2013Monte-Carlo-Studien für neutrale Atome und Ionen in starken MagnetfeldernBoblest, Sebastian
2011On the semiclassical limit of the Dirichlet Laplace operator : two-term spectral asymptotics and sharp spectral estimatesGeisinger, Leander
2011Quantum phase transitions in constrained Bose systemsBonnes, Lars
2012Hartree-Fock-Rechnungen zur Photoionisation von leichten bis mittelschweren Atomen und Ionen in Neutronenstern-MagnetfeldernDiemand, Peter
2010Collapse of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates for different trap geometriesMetz, Jonas
2013Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of the extrinsic pro-apoptotic signaling pathwayDaub, Markus
2012Breitbandige Mikrowellenspektroskopie an UNi2Al3Steinberg, Katrin
2013B-Spline-Approximation elliptischer Randwertprobleme mit unstetigen KoeffizientenKeller, Andreas
2011Morphological and structural study of ultrathin lithium fluoride films on organic molecule surfacesMaye, Felix
2012Dominant dimensions of finite dimensional algebrasAbrar, Muhammad
2012Far-infrared spectroscopy on proteins : bringing together experiments, simulations, and theoryStehle, Christian Ulrich
2011Quantum Monte Carlo studies of novel phases in strongly correlated systemsMeng, Zi Yang
2011Soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation in complex-shaped tapered fibers and liquid-filled photonic crystal fibersPricking, Sebastian
2012Spectral theory of quantum graphsDemirel, Semra
Treffer 1-50 von 272 (Suchzeit: 0.131 Sekunden).